Finally! If you all heard that big whoosh it was a gigantic sigh of relief. We are in the final stages of putting the production of No-Good Maxine to a close. And the last big mile stone has been finished. The DVD design is wrapped. They go off to the duplicator this weekend and we should see them roll back to us by mid-April.
For those anxiously waiting their copy, they should be to you by end of April. If you haven’t seen it by then, drop me an email or contact me here through the website (see contact link above.)
I’m also included shots of the DVD artwork here. Check ’em out. Tell me what you think. If you see any errors let me know ASAP!!!!
Here’s a list of what’s included
- Full cut of the Film
- Deleted Scenes
- Alternate Opening
- Alternate Yolanda
- Carl’s Letter
- Production Photos
- Allen and Sons
- Culvert
- Pre-Production
- Kickstarter Thank-You
- Behind the Scene Footage
- Allen and Sons
- Culvert
- Director Commentary on Deleted Scenes
(and yes, Mike B, the steadicam shot is included.)